I, as I’m sure so many of you, had been trying to think of different ways to help refugees from Ukraine and what organization would be best to link up with. A little over a week ago, I received an email from Shanna, a customer of mine who I’ve known for a long time who moved to Prague. She moved there with her family 17 years ago and her husband is the minister at the church that they started together, Faith Community Church.
She actually reached out to me looking for a custom bracelet stack. I responded to learn a little bit more about her story and what is going on right now in Prague. Her family is currently hosting a grandmother, a mother, a 4.5-year-old and 1.5 year old, while the father is still fighting in Ukraine. When the bombs started to go off, they hid in the metro for four days. When it was safe, they came to Prague since they had friends there. Shanna and her family are not only hosting this family but working so hard with different refugees… as more than 50,000 refugees have arrived in Prague since the beginning of the conflict.
Several of the Faith Community church members own hotels and have opened their doors to all the refugees giving them food, shelter, beds for the night and anything else they need. This is where we come in!! I'm so happy that we have a direct link to send the money straight to these refugees and the efforts of Faith Community Church.
That morning, I decided that 100% of the proceeds from the Ukraine Refugee Bracelet that we created would go straight to Shanna and Faith Community Church. These funds will help with any supplies that they need for any of the refugees.
The colors of the flag are blue and gold….representing blue skies over golden wheat fields. I took this inspiration to create this bracelet to represent the beautiful country of Ukraine; the skies, wheat fields, streams and mountains.
If you followed along on Instagram our original goal was $1,000 by midnight. This is where social media can be SO awesome!! In only a few hours, we not only surpassed that goal but were well over $2,000. I was obsessively checking the back end of our website all day long!!
We set a new goal of $3,000 by midnight… Not only did we raise more than $3,000…. but $10,000!!!
In just one day we came together as a community and together we raised $10,000…I’m in awe of each of you. I’ve said it a million times, but I’ll say it a million more…you guys are the real deal…generous, kind, selfless, optimistic and the essence of all things good. I’m proud of us, team!
While the bracelets are sold out, there is still a need for resources as this crisis continues. You can donate directly to the Faith Community refugee fund here. If you would like to read more about Phil and Shanna and all they are doing you can click here.
Love you to pieces & so incredibly grateful for each of you.
xoxo, Erin