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Joie de Vivre Hat

Regular price $34.00
Joie De Vivre (French): A delight in being alive; keen, carefree enjoyment of living. Hearty or carefree enjoyment of life. A love of life. From French, meaning “joy of living.” 

It’s finally here! We are so excited about this launch. We've been thinking about launching a hat with my handwriting since last summer, and it's finally here! I love wearing baseball caps and this one is perfection. I've worn dozens of hats and this one has the best fit and molds to your head. It's laid-back and perfect to wear on a walk, at the beach, running errands, traveling, at the pool and when dry shampoo simply won't cut it! Throw on a hat and walk out the door! And, if you aren't really a "hat person" - give this one a whirl and see how it does!

We couldn't decide what phrase to have embroidered on each hat so we decided to ask you. We took a poll and narrowed it down to a few of our favorites. This one came up again and again and I love it!

My mom taught French for 27 years and my dad is French. Growing up, my mom used to say this phrase all the time to us reminding us to enjoy life. 

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